Here is ALL the information about CONNECT!

Click the images or the links below for printable files for all things CONNECT!

All ladies of your church,

It is time to prepare for the CONNECT! meeting in your area and there is a lot planned for you. Regardless of whether you have an official Alliance Women’s group or not, you are invited to participate.

There’s something for everyone! During the hands-on service project time, the adults will be making feminine hygiene pads to send to one of our international workers. These sets of 10 pads will enable a girl to attend school and not miss a week each month, which can really limit her education. The youth will be making beaded brace- lets to go in each of the sets as an extra show of the love of Jesus to these girls.

Lunch is provided by the host church. Registrations should be sent to them no later than two weeks prior to their event so that they can make plans for food and seating arrangements. What a great time to fellowship with your ladies and others! Each lo- cation will feature an international worker as the speaker.

If you have any questions, please contact the host church. A contact person is listed on the schedule with their information.

We look forward to seeing you at one of these locations this Fall!